HPA-Ready genes

HPA-Ready genes

The Human Platelet Antigens (HPA) are glycoproteins of the platelet genebran. When antibodies to HPA characteristics of the donor appear, immune reactions can occur in the blood of the recipient causing lysis of the transfused platelets. In these cases, the patient requires platelet concentrates that have no antibody-recognized antigenic structure.

The HPA features HPA-1, HPA-2, HPA-3, HPA-4, HPA-5, HPA-6, HPA-9, and HPA-15 each occur in two different antigenic structures, labeled "a" and " b "are designated. The biallelic variants are based on individual polymorphisms (SNPs), which lead to an amino acid exchange.

Platelet antibodies may cause , among others, autoimmune thrombocytopenia ( AITP ), neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT), posttransfusion purpura (PTP), and passive alloimmune thrombocytopenia .

After transfusion of platelet concentrates, mismatch constellations between donor and recipient may also result in antibody formation in the recipient of the preserve. This activation against foreign platelet antigens would prevent the increase in platelet count in later transfusions.

The determination of the genotype of the affected patients can be concluded on the one hand on the specificity of the existing antibodies, on the other hand, the genotyping of patients and platelet donors is an important basis for the compatible platelet transfusion.

HPA-Ready Genotyping Genes

With two different kit designs you can prove the different HPA alleles depending on your requirement profile:

The HPA-Ready Gene System allows unambiguous detection of the HPA features HPA-1a / b, HPA-2a / b, HPA-3a / b, HPA-4a / b, HPA-5a / b and HPA-15a / b. The HPA-Ready Gene Plus Kit is an extension of the standard kit for 12 reactions, which in addition to the HPA features HPA-1a / b, HPA-2a / b, HPA-3a / b, HPA-4a / b, HPA- 5a / b and HPA-15a / b, nor HPA-6a / b, HPA-8a / b, HPA-9a / b, HPA-11a / b, HPA-21a / b and HPA-27a / b.

HPA-1 a / b Ready genes for screening for HPA-1 a

Neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia (NAIT) is usually triggered by anti-HPA-1 a. Genotyping the mother for HPA-2 allows prediction of eventual NAIT.

With HPA-1 a / b ready genes, you have the opportunity to specifically examine pregnant women for their genotype. The flexible format allows you a screening approach, but also the individual examination.

The two mixes are aliquoted into 8-color PCR strips of different colors, so that individual but also several HPA-1 a / b determinations can be performed in parallel.

item number Surname Test / plate
RUO Emergency for use in diagnostic procedures - USA and Canada
001 030 012 HPA-Ready genes 12
001 030 096 HPA 1a / b ready genes 96
001 031 012 HPA-Ready Gene Plus 12