Apoptosis Assays for Flow Cytometry

Many different approaches are utilized in the study of programmed cell death or apoptosis. Cell death cascades are complex and dynamic, underscoring the importance of a multi-parametric approach to assessment of apoptosis. Understanding the mechanisms of cell death and survival can represent a critical aspect of toxicological profiling and drug discovery.

Our range of apoptosis assays for flow cytometry offer you:
  • Superior performance—highly sensitive assays to detect early to late events
  • Diverse selection—large number of assays to detect different parameters
  • Convenient—ready-to-use assays with validated flow cytometry protocols
  • Compatible—many fluorescent options for multiple laser excitation sources
Apoptotic plasma membrane assays for flow cytometry

Annexin V conjugates, new ratiometric assays, monomeric cyanine dyes.

Caspase assays for flow cytometry

Caspase assays, PARP assays, antibodies for caspases.

Mitochondrial apoptosis assays for flow cytometry

JC-1 assays, membrane potential assays, transition pore assays.

Nuclear apoptosis assays for flow cytometry

DNA fragmentation, DNA condensation, TUNEL assay.

Multiparametric apoptosis assays for flow cytometry

Our multiparametric apoptosis assay kits are designed to selectively differentiate apoptotic cells from living and necrotic cells in a single cell population.